Saturday, June 6, 2009

Etsy Yart Sale

Join us for the 2nd annual Yart Sale on brought to you by Team ESST - the Etsy Supply Street Team.

What's a Yart Sale? Art + Yard Sale = Yart Sale. Thousands of items on sale and/or sellers offering free shipping or other discounts in Handmade, Vintage, and Supplies.

Rather than trying to explain it further, please check this link: for an article in the Storque that explains it better than I can.

I'll be offering free shipping. I'm opening a brick and mortar store on Friday and I'm not sure I'll get anything more put on sale. My Etsy store is

Have a wonderful weekend and see you at the yart sale.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for promoting the Yart Sale on your brand new, and I mean brand new blog!
    I look forward to seeing you June 10th-June 14th!
